Did you know Jesus asked hundreds of questions and, according to biblical scholars, directly answered less than five in the Gospels? His constant questioning approach in search of beauty and truth is one we hope to embody. We don’t have all the answers, but would love if you would join us on a journey of discovery.
We’re an idea and innovation studio. We create disruptive and personally engaging stories and experiences that reveal the authentic Jesus.
That's one of our projects that we acquired. He Gets Us is focused on (re)introducing people to Jesus and inviting them to explore his life and teachings in today’s context. You probably have seen He Gets Us on some big stages—we’re working to raise the public conversation about Jesus because we believe he has merit for all people today, regardless of their beliefs.
But He Gets Us is just the beginning. Come Near has a whole range of projects in the works, all focused on sharing the love and message of Jesus in disruptive and personally engaging ways.
We are a team of dedicated individuals who are passionate about creating cultural space for conversation, doubts, and exploration of Jesus. We are supported by many different individuals and partners—those who offer their expertise in advisory roles and creative production, those who financially fuel our mission, and a theological committee that guides our approach to every project.
As a part of the formation of our start-up organization, we’ve been building a best-in-class, growing Board of Directors to guide our work with wisdom and intention.
Our board of directors:
Rob Hoskins (Chairman)
Nicole Martin
John Kim
Mart Green
Joey Sager
Gary Nelson
Our team and partners come from different backgrounds and hold diverse perspectives on religious, political, and social issues. But all share a common belief in the transformative power of Jesus’ life and love.
We think exploring the teachings and life of the authentic Jesus is a worthy undertaking.
We believe the person of Jesus is the key to interpreting history and human purpose. He is more than just a historical figure, and more than a philosophy or a set of rules. By studying his life, death, and resurrection, we discover his cadence, his emotional core, his steps toward others, and the acts that defined him.
Scandal, corruption, and political interference have created a convoluted cultural association with Jesus and those connected with his name. We’re challenging our own assumptions and preconceived notions about who he is and creating space to doubt, question, and learn from the authentic Jesus.
We’re not affiliated with any specific church, denomination, or political group. We’re a nonprofit that is rooted in Christianity and inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus — wanting to share his transformative message with a broad audience and inviting those who believe and those who don’t to consider the authentic Jesus.
Media Inquiries: To request press-related information, please contact press@comenear.org.
Partnership Opportunities: If you are interested in partnering with Come Near on a specific project or initiative, please reach out to info@comenear.org.
Career Opportunities: Check Come Near's LinkedIn profile for any current job openings.
Donations: We’re honored that you’d like to support the mission this way! Please reach out to contribute@comenear.org for more information.
Other: Reach out and we’ll do our best to answer as we’re able.